General Excellence

Finally, finally, the fourth edition of The Best of New Writing is up on site. I think it’s another selection of wonderfully gifted bloggers, and hope you will, too.

I’ve also been tagged recently for some awards. The You Make My Day Award I very much wanted to pass on, but I’ve spent two weeks now completely unable to decide which 10 bloggers to give it to. I liked Emily’s solution of posting an award to every blogger in her blogroll, but a quick glance at mine decided me that I couldn’t quite do that. So all I can say is that everyone in my blogroll should consider themselves awarded as you all make my day on a daily basis and for that I send you all big hugs and lavish appreciation.

Then I was thrilled that the delightful Archie tagged me for the Excellence award in writing and poetry. How nice is that? The award comes with a neat little image which of course I cannot post. I thought long and hard about which five bloggers I would pass this award onto, as I particularly wanted to choose people I hadn’t celebrated lately, but who deserve big love and praise.

Danielle at A Work in Progress for consistently coming up with wonderful book reviews that never fail to tempt me into extending the tbr pile.

Seamus at Shameless Words for the sheer verve and passion with which he blogs, writes stories, produces music, creates art, posts his poetry… is there nothing this man can’t do?

Dorothy at Of Books and Bicycles for managing to keep her serene and measured voice and to produce wonderfully eloquent bookish posts despite the demands of a heavy teaching schedule.

Caz at My Year in Pictures, an offshoot of her blog Caz Photo, at which she is posting a photo every day. Check them out – they’re incredibly good.

Dewey at The Hidden Side of A Leaf for being the most dedicated community promoter in the book blogging world. I admire so much the energy she puts into bringing us all together in new and creative ways.

7 thoughts on “General Excellence

  1. Litlove, just wanted to send my huge thanks for including me in the most recent best of the web. I am really honored! And especially coming from you, it means so much.

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