Women Doing Literary Things

I’m also over at the new site Women Doing Literary Things today and for the rest of the week.

Come over and read not just me, but all the other amazing women writing and publishing and blogging. Thanks to Niranjana for setting up this blog to celebrate womens’ involvement in the arts.

7 thoughts on “Women Doing Literary Things

  1. Yikes! I was just going to read, say “hi” and then get to work on a few things that need doing. And now I find myself going to your recommended site….yay! (and big thank you! I mean, I can do the laundry and all that other stuff later – a person has to be able to shift her schedule a bit, n’est-ce pas?)

  2. Doctordi – aww, thank you, sweetie!

    Jodie – LOL!!! You wouldn’t have to stalk – I’d invite you in for a cup of tea. 🙂

    Kathleen – you’re welcome! Niranjana’s putting a lovely site together.

    Oh – female solidarity is about reading each other and leaving the housework to one side, yes? Who knows, maybe our men could be persuaded to pick up the slack…? Well, I do try that around here whenever I can. 🙂 Thank you for coming by, dear Oh.

  3. it’s always weird to see the face and name behind the blog…
    Still catching up on blog reading (seems like it’s all I’m doing these days), but that blog looks interesting…

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