15 thoughts on “Late Spring

  1. Beautiful! I love your clematis. The color is gorgeous. Is it a jackmanii do you know? My neighbor has one that looks similar to your photo and I eye it with evny every year. It should be blooming in about a week or two. I love irises too. We have a “black” one that blooms very late but the orange one should be opening next week. As for roses, I my white rugosa just started blooming this week. It’s pretty but nothing like the English roses I wish I could grow here. Enjoy your garden!

  2. Just gorgeous – I didn’t realize you were a gardener!
    Spring is delightful, but it has a tendency to sneak up on me. One minute, it is dreary March, and I am thinking I should get out there and clean up the leaf mess from fall…. and then suddenly the early bloomers are out and oh well – no cleaning up now! The new growth will just have to cover the mess. You are well into summer, though. My irises are still tight, flat buds. I just noticed the rose has buds today, but yuck, there are aphids already on them. I will definitely have to get out there this weekend.

  3. Lovely indeed. We had clematis our first year in this house, but the next spring Eric got overzealous in the garden and weeded many things that weren’t weeds. Since the clematis blooms never appeared again, I assume they were among the casualties. Not that I have any basis for complaint given that I never lift a finger out there. Still, I miss them!

  4. Lovely pictures, lovely plants and you seem a little ahead of here, but I have the non-bearded irises as the ones like yours, which are fabulous colours, dislike my soil and it is possibly too wet for their tastes. That clematis is a beauty.

  5. These are just beautiful!

    My garden is growing by leaps and bounds, and I’ve got a huge new spot all ready for planting. I’ve been spending lots of time (and money!) at the nursery 🙂

  6. Stefanie – I’ve hunted all over the house for the tag that tells me the name of the clematis, but alas! I cannot find it. A black iris sounds hugely sophisticated; irises are my weakness, because they last hardly any time at all but they are so lovely. We have several rose bushes too – I’m really very old fashioned in my tastes. Hope your garden is full of flowers and fragrance too.

    Lilian and Bluestocking – thank you! I don’t know why I take any credit, because they do it all on their own, but I will. 🙂

    Gentle reader – it is indeed a clematis. I cannot grow honeysuckle in my garden which is my one cry of despair because I love it. But clematises seem to really thrive here.

    Qugrainne – I wish I could claim the title of gardener. I get seduced and buy plants at the garden centre and then I hope over them a lot. That’s about it. The good weather springs itself on us just as much. I’m holding onto the category of late spring because summer whizzes by too fast. Enjoy your irises when they bloom and good luck with the aphid spray.

    Kate – my husband is a big pruner. All my lovely shrubs end up like lollipops on sticks once he’s done and the climbers are just skeletons. This year the jasmine is sulking still after a rather drastic haircut. But I’m not about to learn to prune myself, so I can’t really complain (although I do)! 🙂

    Bookboxed – the clematis is one of the stars of the garden, it’s true. Good luck with your irises – we are oddly continental in climate down here, the farthest away from any sea coast that it is possible to be in England. Very glad you like my flowers – they are nothing really compared to yours!

    Becca – the nursery could be as much of a drain on my income as the bookstore if I let it! Hope you are having lots of fun filling in your new spot in the garden and that it all comes up beautifully.

    Dorothy – It’s my favourite time of the year, when everything is still fresh and new and the heat isn’t oppressive. If only it didn’t pass so quickly!

  7. Do you cut your own flowers and have them in vases dotted around the house? Or do you just enjoy them alive and thriving like this? I love fresh flowers indoors, but I do know it’s a cruel sacrifice, too, because then they must die. And dead flowers stink.

  8. David – thank you. Hope the plants you found in your garage are still doing well!

    Doctordi – I will admit I am not very good at remembering to cut and arrange flowers! And then getting rid of them once they are dead is an unpleasant task that I leave undone for too long, often. So they tend to stay out in the garden, although not through conscious choice. I do love flowers, though, and wish I were the kind of housekeeper who could arrange them beautifully and keep them fresh and perfect!

    Grad – I do love the flowers at the start of summer!

  9. Those are lovely! My grass is finally green, but I’m afraid that’s as good as it might get in my yard as my thumb is decidedly ungreen. I do well with weeds, though. I’ve got a certain knack with them…

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