Blog Love

I’ll be taking a very short break here at the Reading Room, should be back around the weekend. I’m recovering from a little bug I caught at the end of last week and it’s the usual busy week ahead with more (probably unhealthy) students to see.  Something’s got to give, and much as I hate it to be blogging, it’s the most expendable of my to-do list.

Before I go, however, I was nominated for one of those delightful ‘I love your blog’ awards from the extremely amusing Becca of Musings from the Sofa. Naturally it comes with a dinky little button which no one in their right minds would expect me to be capable of reproducing on this site. Quite beyond my technical prowess. But the love I can bestow, as it requires no great computer skills. The idea is for me to now nominate seven other bloggers, which I will happily do as there’s no shortage of loveable blogs and bloggers out there. Following the lead of others I’ve tried to pick people I haven’t seen on other lists, and who I’ve come across myself relatively recently.

So I’d like to pass the ‘I love your blog’ award onto (in alphabetical order):

Anne Brooke

Baroque in Hackney

Box of Books

Incurable Logophilia

This Itch of Writing

Vulpes Libres

Wheels on the Bus

Read these wonderful folk while I’m away! And as ever, enjoy the books, too.

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